Currently, Becki stars in the most highly revered internet reality show, MaxterBexter, with her friend Maxwell Glick. They have nearly 6.2 billion subscribers, and are excited for the next generation to be born and join the rest of the world in the joy that is…MaxterBexter.
In her spare time, Becki enjoys taking bellydancing classes, lighting candles, stargazing, camping, rolling down grassy hills in big-rig tires, climbing trees, climbing mountains, and wrangling rabid penguins.
Becki would like to thank the cast and crew of Neighborhood Watch at the Hollywood for all their amazing loveliness, friendships and inside jokes, and wants Andrew to suck it up and finally deal with the fact that if, given the choice, Babs would always choose Bren first.
So now, we’ll just jump and see if we can fly.